Create and Manage Company Contacts
Company contacts is a Qfactor database of people associated to your projects; employees, customers, city and county planners, or any third-party involved in the successful completion of your projects.
Contacts can be attached to projects and assigned roles. With roles and contact information readily available on any given project, your team is well informed and able to resolve issues in timely manner. The bigger the project gets and the more people who get in involved, it's good to have a game card so you know who all the players are.
First you want to make sure the person is not already in the Contact List, no need to add duplicates.
The person you want to add does not show up, so you can add a new contact. Click on the Add New Contact button.
Enter information about the contact. Qfactor only requires First and Last Name to save the contact. Naturally, as much information as you can gather is of benefit to everyone using the system.
Save and you're done adding a contact!