Create New / Proposal or Project
As you begin typing the address for a new proposal/project, the address will begin to fill in for itself, utilizing google map locations.
This should help to validate addresses at the moment of input.
If an address is not known, but a latitude/longitude designation is known, this can be used along with a city and state.
Similarly, if you begin typing the Quickbooks customer, the name will begin to fill in and you can select from the dropdown that appears.
This should help to connect all projects to valid Quickbooks customers.
Proposal Codes can be entered for proposals with a suggested format of P-YY-NNNN, where YY is the year and NNNN is a sequential number of your choice.
If creating a new project, then project codes can also be added with suggested format YY-NNN, where YY is the year and NNN is a sequential number of your choice.
To help with Project Management, several dates can be added and tracked. Simply click into the field and select the date from the calendar.
Estimated minimum and maximum costs can also be tracked.
Services Requested are recorded with a mixture of checkboxes and pulldown menu options.
Construction Staking services can be added from the Services menu of the proposal or project.