Properties are separated into Proposals and Projects. This is based on the status.
The menu option Proposals shows a list revealing all proposals. See example below.
Here comes some good parts.
Each of the columns can be sorted. For example, Status column can be sorted to show proposals at various status points. Or Proposal Code sorted to show the latest codes assigned at the top. Or by any of the Date columns. Or by Project Manager. Or perhaps by Estimated Fee to see potential revenue.
SEARCH BOX (at top of Proposals List)
Search box allows further narrowing of search on any of the columns. This means searching for project managers by name, or for paid, or for assigned, or Cayucos, or anything. The possibilities are nearly endless.
Quickly get to the proposal information by selecting the code or name link.
Proposal information contains a Google Earth/Map and header information connected to Quickbooks. There are several tabs which provide additional information specific to the project.
Proposal information begins with a google map identifying the proposal centered with a placemark. All surrounding active proposals or projects also show on the map.
The map can be enlarged to full screen, or you can Launch Google Earth and view the property from there.
Note the different flags that identify Proposals from Projects, Maps, Field Work in Progress, and others.
This can be useful in determining schedules for nearby projects and during initial proposal research and document search.
Property address is shown, along with APN and reason for survey.
Client information is shown. This is someone entered as a Contact with Role of Client. (See Contacts & Roles Tabs just below.)
Some key Proposal information shows Estimated Fee along with Key Dates.
Here is where the Quickbooks links are shown. The billing customer's name, company, address, phone, email (all the good parts) are displayed.
In addition, Quickbooks Customer Balance Due and Active/Inactive status are made available.
Documents, including Proposals, can be uploaded to a project. A file category is designated to help track document types.
Contacts can be added to a project using the Add Contacts button.
Use the search box to find the contact. If not found, then use Create New Contact and the contact will be added to your project and to the company list so that you can use it again.
Once Contacts are added, select the Manage Project Roles button to assign a role for each contact.
Project Manager role shows up on the Proposals List and Projects List.
Client role shows up in Header information for Proposals and Projects.
Assignments shows a view of all project roles across all projects.
Any services requested by the client show under this tab. Select Edit Services to make changes. These services are added initially during the Create New process.
Construction Staking items are added and maintained in a separate list to the right. Select Add Construction Staking.
Pictures can be uploaded to a project.