Qfactor November 2022 Feature Update

Qfactor November 2022 Feature Update

Tasklist - Task Management Feature

Qfactor’s Tasklists feature allows you to create tasklists (aka checklists) and assign tasks to employees so you can easily measure what’s getting done and, more importantly, what's not getting done. We will be updating the help file and videos next week as well as offering Zoom training for each of our clients. 

Task Calendar

Tasks can be viewed on the calendar filtered by User or Completeness. 

Project Calendar

This calendar shows projects based on milestone dates entered in the project details.

New Fields Added to Projects/Proposals

Primary and Billing Contacts can now be added directly from the Edit Project Details screen as seen here. 

More fields were added for site access information. Is an appointment required, appointment notes, and are there dogs present.

Crew visit date and time can be added to a project

Menu Changes

The name of the Assignments menu item changed to Tasks. The Assignment report is now Project Roles and is shown on the Tasks dropdown menu. The first three items, Project Tasks, Tasks Calendar, and Project Calendar are related to Tasklist. They won’t be populated until your company starts using the feature.

Map of Projects was renamed to Projects Map. An alert bell is added for past due tasks and the support menu is now a question icon.

New Tasks dropdown menu

Status Change Notifications

The ability to add a company user to notifications is a new feature. This means a user doesn’t have to be added to the Project Contact tab in order to be notified when a status is changed. The example below will notify the project manager, accountant (based on Contact Role), and Tom Mott, the owner of the business., as a User. Each field can have more than one value.

When any project changes to Proposal Signed status notification emails will be sent out to each party. The email has a link back to the project.

Project Assignment Notification

When a user is added to a project and assigned a role, an email notification is sent out notifying the user. 

Tasklist Notifications

There are two Tasklist notifications. The first one comes when tasks have been assigned to a user. 

The second tasklist notification is a daily reminder of tasks due 'today'.