Qfactor provides customer information showing if projects are invoiced, paid or with a balance due.
From the top menu, select Status.
Select Project-Invoiced column in the chart.
Select the up/down arrow in the Customer Balance Due column to Filter by Customer Balance Due.
Now you have a list of all customers who have been invoiced, AND have a balance due, showing you the highest balances due first. If the balance due is zero, then they have paid.
To find a specific project, stay on this view and use the Search box in the upper right corner.
Begin typing the project and watch if it shows up in the view.
You can then delete the search box contents and search for another project.
You can easily see which customers are paid or have a balance due.
(Side hint: Remember you can also use SEARCH ALL to find a project. You can then see if it is status Invoiced and if there is a Balance Due.)