Qfactor collects employee time charges from your tracking system (eBillity, TSheets, etc.) and provides an overall summary of ALL time as well as time charged by project. Projects must be created in Qfactor in order to make use of the time entry summary information.
From the top menu bar select Time and see a view of employee time charges in near real time. This shows all the times recorded over the last 28 days and is updated hourly.
You can do all kinds of sorts with the Search box: employee, date, activity, project, etc.
When you click the blue link from the Time view, you'll land on Project Time, which shows all time charges to this project only. Again, you can sort with the search box to locate a date or a person or an activity, whatever you need to find.
(Side hint: You can also find Time charged to any project by using SEARCH ALL, select the project, and select the Time tab.)
The Project Time Summary tab under a project takes you one step further and provides a project summarized view with totals by Activity, Employee, and also Project KPI’s. Project Time Summary is permission based.
Activity, Hours, Billing Total: Shows actual hours by activity name, along with a Billing Total using the billing rate for the activity.
Employee, Hours, Payroll Total: Also shows actual hours, but this time by employee and using the employee’s labor rate for a Payroll Total.
Project KPI: Mostly placeholders for now and based on the Estimated Fee entered on the project details.
Job: Breaks out actual hours and Billing Total by job.