Qfactor’s Proposal Builder
User’s Guide
From the dashboard you can access Service by clicking on the button.
On the Services page (http://qfactor.bizwatt.com/services) you will see a list of service templates that can be applied to any proposal or project in Qfactor. Each service is fully editable, including adding Task that pull labor codes and billing rates from Quickbooks, allowing you to simply add the hours estimated and let the computer do the rest.
Clicking on the Edit button makes all fields and tasks editable. Remember these are your templates. Add new service templates by clicking the button at the end of the page.
If you have your favorite Word document templates or perfect proposals open, you can copy and paste between document and application. Once you get it into Qfactor, edit and format to your liking. Create as many service templates as you need.
When you use a service in a proposal, if you end up editing the service into something new, something you want to keep as a revision, we provide you with a ‘Save as Template’ feature.
Selecting a fee type allows you to estimate the project based on hourly rates (including ‘as needed’ and ‘not to exceed’, a fee Range, or Fixed Fee. When you pull the service template into a proposal, you will be able to change the fee type there as well as the underlying values. You are just putting this information in here to give you a running start at writing a proposal quickly.
When we select Range as the Fee Type, you additional fields appear in the image below. We’ll take your hourly estimate, make it the minimum value, giving you a field to add a max value. Qfactor will take care of the rest of the math for you, correctly, everytime.
Adding tasks to your template is easy peasy. Click on the Add Task button.
Select a Quickbooks item from the list, add a task name more descriptive than the service type.
Enter min/max hours. Qfactor automatically calculates and recalculates min-mx subtotals and totals.
Click on Submit to save your work. You can add more services any time you’d like.
To create a proposal in Qfactor, go to the Create menu item and choose Proposal. The first thing you are asked for is the address of the project. At minimum you need a street name or roadway, city and state. If the site is an APN or geocoordinates only, enter any street name, the nearest city and state, then enter the APN. Once you save the project, a project map has a placemark you can move to the proper location. When you save the move, Qfactor will update the geocodes but not change any other data.
Qfactor is setup for autonumber proposals and projects based on the numbering style you choose. You can turn off auto-increment on any project and enter your own code. Auto-numbering stays on for the next new project to make sure you have continuity.
There is other data you can add to the project like lot or tract numbers, request and sent dates, etc. None of the data is required, we leave it up to you to decide what’s important. One of our design principles is simplicity, asking as little as possible to get as much as possible out of it. The data fields we do give you tend to provide a great deal of value somewhere else in you business processes. What may seem insignificant now, like a proposal request date, but in a year’s time, being able to run a report telling you how much time passes from request to sent, from sent to signed. This kind of information tells you how you are doing and helps you find areas in need of improvement and areas of success.
Once you’ve entered the data you want, save the proposal and we’ll add the services the customer requested.
Qfactor uses Google Maps to provide an easy visualization of the current and all your project on single map. The image below shows you can click in the upper right corner to expand to a full map. Right click on placemark to move it and change the coordinates. Placemarks are in different colors and symbols representing project statuses. Click on Show Legend to see what each placemark means. Click on Launch Google Earth to get a 3D satellite view of the project site.
Navigate: to https://qfactor.bizwatt.com/clients/<client_id>/edit