Top Menu Items
Status Chart
Status Chart showing the number of proposals and projects at each status. Click on a column and the list of just those items of that status are revealed. For example, the Proposal-Researh & Prep status column can be clicked to reveal all proposals ...
Assignments lists all proposals or projects that have any contacts assigned a role. (FYI it will NOT show archived projects.) For example, it's a quick way to search by name to see everything "Randy" has assigned to him. SORTING Each of the columns ...
Time Entries
Qfactor supports eBillity and TSheets time entry applications. As your team enters time in either application, Qfactor updates the time every hour. When you click on Time Entries you will see a list report of entries for the last 30-days. ...
Proposals & Projects
Properties are separated into Proposals and Projects. This is based on the status. The menu option Proposals shows a list revealing all proposals. See example below. Here comes some good parts. SORTINGEach of the columns can be sorted. For ...
Create New / Proposal or Project
As you begin typing the address for a new proposal/project, the address will begin to fill in for itself, utilizing google map locations. This should help to validate addresses at the moment of input. If an address is not known, but a ...
Dashboard provides quick links to all the features of Qfactor. Key Performance Indicators are highlighted.